Friday, November 4, 2011

                    Who really is?

With these words Jesus begins his question...recorded at   (Matthew 24:45) and (Luke 12:42). 
The question Jesus wanted his disciples to think about was this …
“Who really is” being faithful and discreet.
 Jesus was not telling them who it was.
He was asking them a question.
This would apply to any who are feeding his sheep, including his own Apostles, during their own lifetime, as to whether Jesus would find them being faithful and discreet.  (Luke 12:41) (John 21:15, 16, 17) (Rom 14:12) (Matt 16:27)  Do you think Peter fed Jesus little lambs, as Jesus told him to?
The reward that each slave will receive is from the master…
if… upon arriving, his master finds him doing so. (Or at the end of the individual slave's life course, which ever comes first). (Ec 7:1)
This leads to questions:
 Who is the one to decide if the slave is being faithful and discreet?      When does the master arrive?
Jesus is the master, so he will decide… if each individual slave has been faithful and discreet.
Not the slave himself.  (Matt 25:19-30) (Romans 14:4, 12)

Food for thought:
Follow the account in Luke 12:42 - 46 through. 
      The slave "in charge" would be wise to be found doing his master's will during his lifetime, or when his master "arrives"...if not then "the slave" would be beaten severely.  This clearly shows that  "the slave" , the "Steward" slave would still be in the house, and running affairs when the master returns. It is this "slave" that is found beating his fellow slaves and eating with confirmed drunkards. 
The "slaves" that the Steward directs would not be able to "beat" him.  He is the one who has the power to throw them out...not the other way around.

To quote Voltaire: 

        "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

Clearly no one is allowed to "criticize" the Governing Body of the Organization of JWs, or even the Organizational Wild Beast itself, without being beaten and "thrown out" of the Organization.  Yes "thrown out" or disfellowshipped. (John 16:2)

So...who gets "thrown out"?    

     Answer:  Those that disagree vocally or in writing, with the "Slave" (Governing Body), and the current doctrines and teachings of the "WT Organization". 
If you doubt this, just try to "reason" with the elders in your congregation...using scriptures, as to why the "Organization" is not correct on any "current" doctrinal matter.  Don't back down...share it with other fellow members of your congregation.  Soon you will have to meet with "Three" false comforters to 'adjust' your thinking. (Job 2:11)   As they did with Job, it starts out like they are there to "comfort" and help you.  This quickly turns into an "inquisition", as these "three" become a judicial committee.

Back to the article:
Did Jesus
“arrive” in 1914 to set up his Kingdom on earth?
Did he give all his belongings to his chosen Kingdom “Administration”?
No... he did not.

Do the fleshly "chosen ones" inherit his kingdom belongings while yet still in the flesh?  
 (see  1Corinthians 15:50)

Think about this:  For one thing Satan still controls this world today. Just look at the condition of this world.  

(1 John 5:19)   
 Even the Watchtower organization will not deny that.
 Jesus is the primary one to inherit the earth.
If he already inherited it, then why is it still in Satan’s hands? (1John 5:19)
If Jesus already “arrived” in 1914 then why are we still doing the memorial
until he arrives”?  (1 Corinthians 11:26)

The WT has always said that 1914 was the start of an 'invisible presence', 
but that is not what Jesus said. 
He told his disciples "And look I am with you...  all the days until the conclusion of this system of things." (Matt 28:20)

So apparently Jesus was 'with them', or present (presence), even back then.

***Jesus has been inspecting each of his slaves individually during their individual lifetime. (Rom 14:12)

  He does not inspect them as a group or an "Organization".  He inspects his slaves, not "Organizations"  So there would not be a "collective inspection".

But would there be a final inspection of all those claiming to be his slaves during the conclusion?  
The scriptures say yes.  (Matt 16:27)  Here again the inspection will be individual. (Rom 14:12)

Jesus described the “last days” or the conclusion of this system of things as the beginning of the “birth pains.”. But the end is not yet. The New world translation says "pangs of distress", however many other translations say "birth pains".
(Mt 24:8) (Mark 13:7, 8) (Luke 21:9)

In the original Greek, the word literally means "pangs of birth". ... Greek usage of pangs of birth therefore is likened to pregnancy labor pains. 

Labor contractions in human women are accompanied by intense and prolonged pain. The contractions come at regular intervals.  As time goes on, they get closer together.  Pain levels reported by laboring women vary widely
No one knows how long the labor contractions will last. Some women give birth faster than others. Labor has been reported as lasting from 4 hours to 4 days.

The birth of the Kingdom is no ordinary pregnancy. These “last days”  are no ordinary labor pains.

Pangs of birth…labor pains…the birth of the Kingdom???
Jesus said no one but the father knows that day and hour.
At (Acts 1:7) he told his disciples…”It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction.”
So basically he said it’s not your business…!
Stop trying to figure it out.  The disciples couldn't help looking at the physical things to see with their physical eyes any indications that the kingdom was here.
     This was not the first time his disciples were thinking the kingdom was almost already here.     

 At (Luke 19:11) “they were imagining that the Kingdom of God was going to display itself instantly.” 

Why would they think that?  
 Well, Jesus said they would sit upon twelve thrones…judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Being imperfect men and thinking fleshly, they probably thought…there are twelve of us (Apostles)…there are twelve tribes of Israel…so it must be “all done.”

(The Watchtower Organization has had numerous wrong dates ,before 1914, in print as to when the Kingdom would start or simply has to research the Watchtower Society's history from a neutral source to verify this)
So when 1914 came…those professed anointed ones alive then …also thinking the kingdom might display itself instantly thought the kingdom had “arrived”.   Their assumption was…”the times of the Gentiles have ended…their Kings have had their day”. With all these physical signs happening they thought it was about to happen...but was it?...and did it?

They assumed all the anointed had been gathered in and were already found faithful and discreet, and that they were the last ones.
They assumed by 1935 it was “all done”…”no more anointed need apply” (The Organization has also had numerous other dates before 1914 and after, as to the end of the upward calling...research it and see.)
Well today we know that was not the case. Those professing the calling kept coming in after 1935; yes even those who now sit on the governing body were born well after 1935. (Despite all the hindering and pressure from the older ones)
See (Mark 10:13-16)
So apparently these ones had felt that the master had been "delaying", and according to Luke 12:45 they began to get drunk and beat their fellow slaves. (For pointing the errors out to them.)
Today there are well over 11,202 professed anointed ones that his older anointed disciples could not hold back from coming forward... and all of them came well after 1935…
Maybe it just isn't all done yet.
Jesus knows who he has really chosen. 

As for those chosen; The woman in (Rev 12:1, 2) conceived 2000 years ago when Jesus as the primary seed proved faithful and was first to be resurrected. As with any conception it takes time for the embryo to develop into a fully formed child. (The complete chosen body of Christ) 

The woman in Revelation is not a literal woman.

 She is a covenant, (a promise). 
 (see Galatians 4:22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31) (1Peter 3:6)
 She... is... not... a wife-like... celestial organization of spirit creatures... as the WTBTS assumes.

The birth of the male child is the full number of Jesus’ and his ‘brothers’, finally sealed, the complete “Administration”.

 (Ephesians 1:10, 11)  See other bible translations to see the term "administration"...also see the article:
         “The woman gives birth”
 {Remember, Jesus described the ‘last days’ (the conclusion of this system of things) as a beginning…these things are a beginning of birth pains}. 
(Matt 24:3, 8) (Mark 13:8) ("Birth Pains"...the Greek)
Finally she comes to full term, and her birth pains reach maximum intensity. 
(Rev 12:2)
The ‘child’, God’s Kingdom administration, comes into existence because of the “Covenant.”  
      It is this Woman (The Covenant) that is giving birth.

1914… was not the birth of God's kingdom.
(If you look at this world it is more likely the release of Satan from the Abyss)
Jesus is not responsible for all the wicked things being done from 1914 and onward)
Pearl has just put up a post on what happened in 1914:

The "physical signs" seen since 1914 are not the labor pains we are to take note of.  

Satan's world is not giving birth to God's Kingdom, however he will make sure that "physical signs" exist.  So any signs he makes happen are merely a decoy to mislead the anointed chosen ones from seeing the true "spiritual labor pains".

For a look at the "spiritual" labor pains see the articles:  

(...Labor Pains)...
 and the one on the sign of the end:                
The meaning of tribulation comes to us from the "Threshing Sledge" used for threshing wheat. 
Jesus said Satan has demanded to have you men to sift as wheat.  
 ( Luke 22:31) 

tribulation [ˌtrɪbjʊˈleɪʃən]
1. a cause of distress
2. a state of suffering or distress
[from Old French, from Church Latin trībulātiō, from Latin trībulāre to afflict, from trībulum a threshing board, from terere to rub]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © Harper-Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Keep awake and in expectation of it…no matter what watch it comes in upon.

Keep your lamps burning! (Luke 12:35)

Are you dedicated to God , or to men?

According to the  "Organization of JWs: We... are... not ...  dedicated to men.
 (At least this is the official view...this is in fact only lip service compared to the allegiance they insist on from the members) (Matt 15:8, 9)  
The Organization says that "Elders" are appointed by holy spirit and so we should be obey them, the Organization, and the Governing Body Slave, as if we were obeying God and Jesus himself. 

These are just some examples that cover the Watchtower's hypocrisy. 

"Would not a failure to respond to direction from God through his organization really indicate a rejection of divine rulership?" (w76 2/15)

"The slave’s will is Jehovah’s will. Rebellion against the slave is rebellion against God." (w56 6/1 p. 346)

 ... The Governing Body and the Organizational arrangement that it controls makes itself equal to God and Jesus. 
 (Isaiah 40:25,23,24; John 15:6; Matt. 15:13; Isa.42:8; Rev.2:5; Rev.1:20)
 (Rev 13:15; Daniel 8:11,25;  2 Thess.2:4;  Rom.1:25; Rev.13:8,7)

See what they say in their own publication:
(See page 183 Bible Teach book... )
Our dedication is to God, not to men, nor to an organization.  So why do they insist on loyalty to the Organization and to men?

See the article at Pearl Doxsey's 4womaninthewilderness.
 "Should we obey men" : 
and the article : "Are Elders Spirit Appointed?"

Jesus said at (Matthew 24:45) ... In the New World translation it reads: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?" 
Yes Jesus asked... "Who really is?"  Then he adds...(Matt 24:46) "Happy is that slave if upon returning  his master  finds him doing so". Otherwise if he is not found doing so, or beats his "fellow" slaves... (Matt 24:48, 49) Jesus will do this to him upon returning (Matthew 24:50, 51)   
It is Jesus who will settle accounts with each slave individually (Matt 25:19-30), and it is Jesus who will hand out the discipline to his slaves. Not the other slaves themselves or the "Steward" slave !  (Luke 12:42)

So then, Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
Check out this article. "Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave" , at
Also an article on who are the fine trees:

Something for “chosen ones” to consider: 
You have only been "chosen"...not sealed yet. It is like being a in class (Heb 12:23) must finish your courses and pass.  The possibility exists that you can "fail" or "fall from your position" (Rev 2:5 ;  2 Pet 3:17;
   2 Pet 1:10)
Do you already consider yourself as having the master’s approval of “Well done good and faithful slave?
Reflect on the following;
You and your older brother are in the same high school that your father and grandfather graduated from. Your older brother passes all his courses and graduates.
Do you expect to get a diploma and a “well done” because he already did?
Of course you don’t. You too must take and pass all the courses and come to your own graduation day.
So too each anointed one will render an account for himself.   (Romans 14:4, 12)   No one gets a free pass. 
 Each slave gets an individual inspection. (Matt 25:19-30) Either during their lifetime, or at the conclusion of this system of things.
 There are well over 11,202 persons associated with the WT organization who profess to be anointed today. None of them (even those on the governing body) were even a twinkle in their father’s eye before the self declared and not scriptural 1935 doctrine.   Not one of them can claim a “diploma” of (“Well done faithful and discreet slave”) based on the record of past faithful ones.
 Not one of them.

So today only Jesus has the right to decide if you are being faithful and discreet.

Jesus told us how to identify those “fine trees”: 
See article on the... Fine Trees
As for the correct attitude for all of his slaves to have of themselves…rather than the self-assuming attitude of already having been found “faithful and discreet” ,
Jesus told them to have this view of themselves;
 (Luke 17:10)
The NWT translation reads:
"So YOU, also, when you have done all things assigned to you, say,
‘We are good-for-nothing slaves’. What we have done is what we ought to have done".

Agape to all, 


  1. Dear Obediah,
    Thank you so much for your supportive information. May Jehovah continue to bless your seeking the Truth.
    Pearl doxsey

  2. The 1914 doctrine as put forth by the WT organization is not true. According to many it is BS. I do not endorse the 1914 doctrine, I never have... ever. I always had trouble understanding all the math that the society used to formulate it.
    The point is that Jesus did not point to a specific year. He pointed to signs...the beginning of Labor pains...that would lead up to the birth of the Kingdom. The Watch Tower's 1914 is based on a literal seven times...(2520 years). One professed anointed one says that their starting date is not correct. Another one says it is NOT literal. Satan has cleverly applied a literal year (physical interpretation) to closely coincide with the emergence of the Labor Pains that Jesus foretold. A literal interpretation prevents the symbolic understanding from being discerned. Since each of the anointed have to individually go through the seven times to finish their course (a purification) in order to be sealed,it stands to reason that it is not chronological.

  3. i think Isaiah 5:21 is appropriate to those who have elevated themselves over Jehovah's slaves and already rewarded themselves by calling themselves 'faithful and discreet slave'

    'woe to those wise in their own eyes and discreet even in front of their own faces'

    kind regards

  4. Hello Obadiah,

    It.s good to here the truth from others who haven't forgotten who we dedicated our lives to. Prophecy is uttered for a purpose and it is for someone to understand. The teachers of the WTBS made an error regardless in attempting to discern when 2,520 lunar year period end according to the calendar we presently use today. If you have 'yards' and you want an answrer in 'meters', obviously conversion is necessary. The same would be necessary for this problem. To those who believe the importance of this prophecy as I do, should realize that as we believe, it is impossible for 1914 C.E. to be correct. 1914 times 360, does not equal 1914 times 365.

    Please visit my blog and read the mission statement as well as the other writings.

    All of this betrayal and demonic infiltration was well foretold in Scripture. It somehow is catching many by surprise.

    May Jehovah guide and bless you. Keep working and hold on to your integrity!

  5. All the anointed seem to be agreeing that 1914 is in error, although each of them have their own reasons. We should not try to calculate the day or one knows that but God. (Matt 24:6, 36)
    The literal signs seen are not the things that the anointed should be trying to discern, nor are they an indication that the kingdom has already been born. Satan has power over all of the physical things seen in his world. (1 John 5:19) Satan's world is not giving birth to God's Kingdom. The "Woman" is, she has labor pains not Satan's world.(Rev 12:1,2)
    Jesus spoke of a beginning of "Labor Pains" leading up to the birth. It is the unseen spiritual beginning of Labor Pains of "the woman" that the anointed should be trying to discern. Pearl seems to be a genuine prophet. (Num 12:6) One of the visions she was shown was the interpretation of the 2,520 time period (that's the seven times). These things are to be taken symbolically and not chronologically according to Pearl. Pearl hasn't written about this yet, but she has written much already about the symbolic signs. There is a four article series starting with an illustration ( ...this is the introduction to the series.
    It seems at present that all the anointed only have parts of the puzzle...Holy Spirit, Love and...humility... are the things that will help any of them to come to a fuller understanding.
    Agape, Obadiah
